Never buy or sell online without using
With you can buy and sell anything safely without the risk of chargebacks. Truly secure payments.
Over ₹6.4 Lakh of transactions protected with is the world’s most secure payment method from a counterparty risk perspective – safeguarding both buyer and seller, all funds transacted using escrow are kept in trust.

Buyer and Seller agree to terms

Buyer submits payment to Safesdeal

Seller delivers digital goods to buyer

Buyer approves digital goods releases payment to seller
Safely buy and sell products and services from ₹10,000 to ₹10 Lakh or more

Social Media Accounts
Safesdeal is a platform where people can buy and sell social media accounts. Acting as a trusted third party, it facilitates safe transactions between buyers and sellers, ensuring secure and smooth transfers of social media accounts.

Cryptocurrency and NEFT
Safesdeal is a platform where people can buy and sell cryptocurrency and NEFT. Acting as a trusted third party, it ensures secure transactions between buyers and sellers, facilitating safe and smooth exchanges of these digital currencies.

Googel Play console
Safesdeal is a platform where people can buy and sell Google Play Console accounts. Acting as a trusted third party, it ensures secure transactions between buyers and sellers, facilitating smooth and safe exchanges of Google Play Console accounts.

Website and App Codes
Safesdeal is a platform where people can buy and sell app and website codes. Acting as a trusted third party, it ensures secure transactions between buyers and sellers, facilitating smooth and safe exchanges of app and website codebases.

Milestone Transactions
Safesdeal is the go-to marketplace for buying and selling premium domain names. Acting as a reliable mediator, it guarantees safe and secure transactions between buyers and sellers, ensuring the smooth transfer of ownership for high-value domains with complete transparency.

Other Digital Assests
Safesdeal serves as a dedicated platform for trading various digital assets. Functioning as a trusted intermediary, it facilitates secure and efficient transactions between buyers and sellers, ensuring the seamless transfer of digital goods while prioritizing safety and user confidence.
Contact our friendly support team on +91-8291975225 to find out if your transaction can be covered.
The recommended payment system by top eCommerce companies is the recommended payment system of top eCommerce companies including Uniregistry, GoDaddy, and Shopify Exchange. Talk to us about signing up today.
Some of Our Partners

The most trusted, licensed online escrow service in the world
Headquartered in Mumbai, is licensed, bonded, and regularly audited.
Government agencies perform regular audits of independently licensed escrow companies. The audit examinations serve to protect public funds, determine safety and soundness of operations, and determine compliance with safesdeal statutes and regulations.
Never buy or sell online without using
With you can buy and sell anything safely without the risk of chargebacks. Truly secure payments.
Over ₹6.4 Lakh of transactions protected with is the world’s most secure payment method from a counterparty risk perspective – safeguarding both buyer and seller, all funds transacted using escrow are kept in trust.

Buyer and Seller agree to terms

Buyer submits payment to Safesdeal

Seller delivers digital goods to buyer

Buyer approves digital goods releases payment to seller
Learn More About Safesdeal

Social Media Accounts
Safesdeal is a platform where people can buy and sell social media accounts. Acting as a trusted third party, it facilitates safe transactions between buyers and sellers, ensuring secure and smooth transfers of social media accounts.

Jewelry, Watches, and Fashion
Buying and selling expensive jewelry online can be difficult, as it is extremely difficult to spot a scam.’s simple 5-step process ensures money transfer and jewelry delivery with every sale.

Motor Vehicles
When buying classic cars, a used sailboat, or even an aircraft engine, ensures money transfer and vehicle delivery with every sale. Our experienced personnel can even help you with shipping documentation, titles, liens, and more.

General Merchandise
From computer hardware to luxury goods, you can safely and easily buy and sell merchandise all over the world with the protection of

Milestone Transactions
Paying for a good or service and want money released only at certain stages? Use Safesdeal to assure that money is released only when you’re happy with each step.

Electronics handles the buying and selling large scale computer setups, professional sound systems and all manner of electronic equipment both big and small.
Contact our friendly support team on +91-8291975225 to find out if your transaction can be covered.
Get a free copy of our latest domain market report
Alternative Investing: A Comparison Between Additional Instruments and Web Domains
Some of Our Partners

The most trusted, licensed online escrow service in the world
Headquartered in California, is licensed, bonded, and regularly audited.
Government agencies perform regular audits of independently licensed escrow companies. The audit examinations serve to protect public funds, determine safety and soundness of operations, and determine compliance with safesdeal statutes and regulations.